2024-10-07 Sveza tests the Northern sea route from St.Petersburg to China – sveza.ru
2024-10-07 Sveza tests the Northern sea route from St.Petersburg to China - sveza.ru
2024-10-07 Sveza tests the Northern sea route from St.Petersburg to China - sveza.ru
2024-09-16 New plans for Zelenodolsk plywood mill - business-gazeta.ru
2024-09-12 Mostodrev boasts a 100% utilisation rate - belta.by
2024-09-12 Segezha is concerned about the 30% import tax to India on plywood - segezha-group.com
2024-08-28 Chinese firm to open veneer and plywood mill in Perm, Russia - properm.ru
2024-08-26 Plitwood starts 5x10 ft panel production - lesozagotovka.com
2024-07-31 Sveza denies acquisition rumours around Kama - perm.aif.ru
2024-07-29 Sveza prepares to buy Kama Pulp and Paper Mill - dp.ru
2024-07-24 Kairos wins the auction of Ufa plywood mill for RUB 550M - pravdapfo.ru
2024-07-03 Segezha's plywood sales to China >54k m3 in 2024 H1 - newsland.com