November 20, 2020. – The autumn rains have reached us in many locations. It makes me wonder if we are heading to a similar winter season as last year. In many places the weather was too warm and rainy. Harvesting got muddy and forest roads became too soft for the heavy log trucks.
Along with climate change, precipitation is expected to increase for decades to come. It’s easy to bet that the seasonal difficulties in roundwood availability will just get harder. This puts log purchasing in a strategic position. It would be wise to plan how to mitigate periods of shortage.
Whether you are buying logs or plywood, being a purchaser is a pretty nice job. In a normal run, things stay easily at your fingertips. Just as long as you ensure there’s enough material at the beginning of the pipeline. But if you let the stock run empty, all hell breaks loose. Or if you buy in too much at too high a price. All in all, I think I’ll stay in sales!