2024-05-22 Soaring poplar log prices squeeze North Indian plywood industry – plyinsight.com
2024-05-22 Soaring poplar log prices squeeze North Indian plywood industry - plyinsight.com
2024-05-22 Soaring poplar log prices squeeze North Indian plywood industry - plyinsight.com
2024-05-02 Punjab, Haryana, Bihar producers increase plywood prices by 5% due to high wood costs - plyreporter.com
2024-03-18 Impacts of the new EUDR regulation - propopulus.eu
2024-01-16 Joubert invests in poplar planting - leboisinternational.com
2023-10-02 In France, 28% of the hardwood harvest consists of poplar - propopulus.eu
2023-09-22 Italy cultivates 45,000 ha of poplar - propopulus.eu
2023-09-17 Italian poplar cultivations cover 50 thousand ha - propopulus.eu
2023-06-21 Latham's animation video of Russian birch alternatives - youtube.com
2023-06-07 Latham lists alternatives for Russian birch plywood - timberdevelopment.uk
2023-05-22 Is poplar planting profitable business? - propopulus.eu