2024-12-12 Rising roundwood costs harm Nepal’s plywood exports to India – plyreporter.com
2024-12-12 Rising roundwood costs harm Nepal's plywood exports to India - plyreporter.com
2024-12-12 Rising roundwood costs harm Nepal's plywood exports to India - plyreporter.com
2024-11-15 Nepal plywood exports to India need BIS by March 2025 - asianews.network
2024-11-01 Nepalese plywood mills struggle with raw material shortages - risingnepaldaily.com
2024-04-02 Nepal Plywood Producer's Association - myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com
2024-03-14 Increased core veneer imports from Nepal and Vietnam to Indian plywood mills - plyreporter.com
Nepali plywood exporters are in a tough spot due to new quality rules from India. India now wants plywood to meet global standards set by the ISI (Indian Standards Institute).…
Plywood producers in the Haryana state of Northern India are suffering from poor round wood availability. Before the log suppliers from the neighboring state Uttar Paresh, supplied 80% of the…
2022-09-23 Nepal becomes self-sufficient in plywood - myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com