2024-05-22 Russian log exports focus on China – woodcentral.com
2024-05-22 Russian log exports focus on China - woodcentral.com
2024-05-22 Russian log exports focus on China - woodcentral.com
2024-05-13 UNECE report on Polish 2023 harvesting, and wood industry - unece.org
2024-04-11 Sveza completed snow storages for logs in April - sveza.ru
2024-04-04 Segezha says raw material constitutes 40-45% in plywood - kostroma.mk.ru
2024-04-02 Polish wood industry appeals to government regarding harvesting restrictions - pigpd.pl
2024-03-01 Plywood log availability in India improving in 2024 - plyreporter.com
2024-02-28 Metsä sells its wood supply business to Combiwood Forest in Estonia - metsagroup.com
2023-11-17 Lumin loads 35 tm3 log vessel to India - lumin.com
2023-09-22 Italy cultivates 45,000 ha of poplar - propopulus.eu
2023-07-04 Roseburg starts video series "Meet Your Forest" - roseburg.com