2024-04-16 Kohila Vineer employs 220 people in Raplamaa – geenius.ee
2024-04-16 Kohila Vineer employs 220 people in Raplamaa - geenius.ee
2024-04-16 Kohila Vineer employs 220 people in Raplamaa - geenius.ee
2023-11-17 Informative "How plywood is made"-video by Raute - youtube.com
2022-10-11 History: Development of Estonian plywood industry in 20th century - dv.ee
2022-10-07 Kohila mill saves electricity (article behind paywall) - sonumid.ee
2022-03-31 Kohila mill CFO pays 425,000 € to fraudster (article behind paywall) - aripaev.ee
2022-03-23 Latvijas Finieris' Kohila mill receives plenty of enquiries (article behind paywall) - sonumid.ee
2021-04-28 Kohila Vineer (Latvijas F.) present in online recruitment event - sonumid.ee
Kohila Plywood mill in Estonia had an oil leak earlier this week. The leakage self-ignited a fire in the surrounding insulation materials. Mill’s employees quickly extinguished the primary fire. Fire…
2021-01-25 Latvijas Kohila mill (EST) oil leak - sonumid.ee
In Estonia, the plywood industry has seen tremendous growth during the 2010s. Today, plywood is being produced in four locations. Until 2016, only UPM’s Otepää mill was producing plywood in…