2024-03-04 Segezha’s Galich mill shipped 70 plywood containers by rail to China – kostroma.mk.ru
2024-03-04 Segezha's Galich mill shipped 70 plywood containers by rail to China - kostroma.mk.ru
2024-03-04 Segezha's Galich mill shipped 70 plywood containers by rail to China - kostroma.mk.ru
2024-02-12 Domestic demand covers 45% of Segezha's plywood output - kostroma.mk.ru
2024-02-02 Segezha delivers plywood for Wagnermayer's trailers in Tatarstan - kostroma.mk.ru
2023-10-18 Segezha's Vyatka and Galich mills obtain ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 standards - progorod43.ru
2023-10-13 New 2018 - 2023 Russian peeling capacity - bizon.ru
2022-12-16 Official opening at Segezha's Galich mill - segezha-group.com
According to Bezformata, the Russian forest company Segezha is finalizing its new plywood mill in Galich, Kostroma region. At the moment the mill works with 30% capacity utilization, and by…
2022-03-30 Segezha's Galich mill installs Flamax fire tanks - russian.city
2022-01-21 Segezha's Galich mill produces first test panels - galich.smi44.ru
2021-11-16 Segezha recruiting via digital channels for Galich plywood mill - retail.ru