April 30, 2021. – Good customers are always welcome. They bring steady business, good volumes, decent margin, secure payments and professional contact persons. Every company would be happy to have these customers. The problem is that all the other suppliers are interested in the same clients. With these prospects, it’s hard to get your foot in the door.
In many places, the plywood market today is burning hot. The dream customer’s door is open. Every plywood buyer would welcome an extra load. This would be the chance to create a contact and proof that you are a no-nonsense plywood supplier.
This is the moment, but you cannot grab it. Why? Because, most probably, you’re sold out. Order book is long and current customers are asking for more. It feels impossible to take a truckload for someone new.
Sales person’s life is hard when the warehouse is full, but it is even harder when there’s nothing to deliver. Answering enquiries needs work. Some plywood sellers choose to hide, because it is too tough to say no.
Even without extra volumes to offer, it makes sense to answer the phone and emails. That is customer nurturing for the future. It takes months to create good contact, and years to create trust.